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Celona Private 5G is the key to modern manufacturing automation

Private Wireless for automated manufacturingStrategic Insights Report

The crucial role of Private 5G networks in manufacturing's digital transformation

As manufacturers progress into advanced stages of digital transformation, the underlying network is becoming the linchpin for determining success or stagnation. Technology advances like cloud, robotics, Big Data and AI deservedly get a lot of attention on the digitization journey.

But these critical advances are ineffective when there is a fundamental lack of reliable connectivity to users, machines, and things on the manufacturing floor. To overcome the longstanding challenges with connectivity, manufacturing business executives are increasingly recognizing private 5G networks as mission-critical infrastructure that can deliver a significant return on their technology investment.

Preparing manufacturing leadership for Private 5G implementation

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Driving bottom-line impact for productivity and efficiency

With Celona Private 5G, you impact the bottom line by boosting productivity, enhancing operational efficiency, and minimizing downtime.

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Maximizing efficiency and reliability through seamless private wireless connectivity

To remain competitive, manufacturers can reduce equipment down-time with reliable wireless connectivity, enabling IoT sensors and PLCs, automated guided vehicles (AGVs), autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), and remote monitoring for predictive maintenance across the plant.


Enhanced automation in manufacturing with Private 5G

As automation is rolled out in a manufacturing plant with Private 5G, value is added through real-time access to data insights that can be enhanced with AI, enabling process automation, quality compliance and control, and overall improved operational efficiency.

Watch Video - Celona for Manufacturing >

Reliable tools, happy workers: enhanced productivity

When scanners, tablets and tools always work, you are not just putting money in your pockets, you are putting it into your workers pockets too.

Read Blog - Connected Worker with P5G >

Strengthening security: achieving enhanced visibility and protection

Celona Private 5G provides full visibility into all devices connecting to your network which can significantly enhance your network and IOT security, safeguarding your business’s sensitive data and proprietary processes from external threats.

Security brief - Zero Trust >

The crucial role of Private 5G networks in manufacturing's digital transformation

As manufacturers progress into advanced stages of digital transformation, the underlying network is becoming the linchpin for determining success or stagnation. Technology advances like cloud, robotics, Big Data and AI deservedly get a lot of attention on the digitization journey.

But these critical advances are ineffective when there is a fundamental lack of reliable connectivity to users, machines, and things on the manufacturing floor. To overcome the longstanding challenges with connectivity, manufacturing technology executives are increasingly recognizing private 5G networks as mission-critical infrastructure that can deliver what Wi-Fi cannot – game-changing speed, low latency, security, and reliability in harsh industrial environments.

Zebra/Celona webinar:
Solving the pain of connectivity in manufacuturing environments

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Beyond Wi-Fi: private networks step up where connectivity falters

As manufacturing organizations embrace automation and digitization, you are constantly under pressure to deliver a reliable wireless network to support the business. Wi-Fi is good for the front office, but it falls short as you roll out new automation applications throughout the manufacturing plant where Wi-Fi interference and signal degradation are commonplace. Celona Private 5G addresses this challenge with a powerful, deterministic cellular network at the cost and simplicity of Wi-Fi.

5G vs. Wi-Fi 6 | Differences & Use Cases >

Reliable wireless connectivity for IoT sensors, AGVs and AMRs

To remain competitive, manufacturers can reduce equipment down-time with reliable wireless connectivity, enabling IoT sensors and PLCs, automated guided vehicles (AGVs), autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), and remote monitoring for predictive maintenance across the plant.


Celona 5G LAN securing automation amid rising threats

Manufacturers need to deploy automation securely in an increasing cybersecurity threat environment – especially for mission-critical industries that have become targets for bad actors. Celona Private 5G is built on the design principle of zero trust, delivering all the security features of 5G (private SIM authentication, tunneling, encryption) with our added end-to-end design features that allow you to securely manage the devices on your private network.

Security brief - Zero Trust >

Reliability for mission-critical operations

Celona Private 5G is designed to quickly and easily integrate with your IT infrastructure. Our solution was not designed for telcos and force fit into the enterprise – it was engineered from the ground up by Enterprise IT experts for your environment. No extra cables, no extra switches, no surprises. It is as simple as deploying Wi-Fi, with the added advantage of highly reliable, highly secure, high-speed performance.

Blog - 5G in Manufacturing >

Seamless connectivity for dynamic manufacturing

Celona Private 5G provides the flexibility to quickly adjust production lines as priorities and products change. There is no need to add or move cables. With one-fifth the APs of Wi-Fi, the entire factory floor has coverage so that lines and machinery can remain connected in any location.

Wireless Process Automation with PROFINET >Untethering PLCs in Industrial Manufacturing >

Our customers are saying

If I had to continue to deal with the Wi-Fi issues I have to deal with every day at the plant, I’d have to hire more people. And frankly, that wouldn’t even fix the technical challenges that I have with using Wi-Fi technology within our environment. With Celona’s technology, all that goes away. The solution pays for itself.

Head of IT operations for the U.S Steel Manufacturer

The switch to Celona’s private wireless system has been a real game changer for us. Using less equipment at a lower capital and operational cost, Celona has delivered a more pervasive and reliable wireless environment on which our production systems can depend.

Luca Chichiarelli,
Head of IT Operations, Del Conca Group

We chose Celona's technology for its outstanding coverage, even in challenging areas. Extensive testing confirmed its remarkable success. We’re using Celona's turnkey solution which is backed by their great engineering support. This approach aligns with our preference not to build from scratch, and Celona's expertise has proven invaluable.

Stefan Garrard,
Principal Enterprise Technology Engineer, BP

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