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Analyst Report:
The Adoption of Private Wireless for Enterprise Digitalization

This VDC Research analyst report – commissioned by Celona and Zebra® - provides valuable insights into how private wireless networks are stepping up to modernize enterprise networks, offering the bandwidth and reliability necessary for loaded networks and seamless mobility.

Download your copy to learn:

  • The top connectivity features driving private wireless evaluation and adoption
  • Challenges of deploying a private wireless network
  • Real-world enterprise use cases of private wireless networks
  • Best practices for designing, planning, and integrating private wireless networks into existing facilities
  • The TCO of 5G LAN private wireless compared to Wi-Fi

Enterprises are faced with two options as they invest in mobile solutions. The first is to deploy more Wi-Fi access points, which requires significant engineering resources to design complex mesh deployments and install new cabling to connect these access points...The other option is to transform the enterprise network with the deployment of a private wireless network in combination with the existing Wi-Fi network.

- Rowan Litter, Research Analyst and David Krebs, EVP at VDC Research

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