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Why AI is No Longer Just a Buzzword for Private 5G

In this episode of Slice of Celona, we’ll explore how exactly Celona is using AI to usher in a new class of private mobile network reliability.

We’ve all heard companies say they use “Artificial Intelligence” (AI), but what does that mean for you? In this episode, we’ll explore exactly what AI automation does, and how Celona is using AI to usher in a new class of private mobile network reliability.

Check out this video to get answers to questions like:

  • What does AI automation mean and why does it matter?
  • How does AI help businesses scale?
  • What benefits can companies get from AI-powered services?

Key Takeaways

  • Artificial Intelligence can help organizations scale by actively monitoring large streams of data for anomalies and deviations from the baseline. Where humans would take hours to find these differences, AIOps can find them in minutes and deploy automated remediation right away.
  • Celona uses AI on cellular networks to optimize device communications in real-time based on dynamic data collected from the network. This allows devices to use the best possible route and broadcast settings each time data is transmitted.
  • Private LTE and 5G wireless deliver increased levels of predictability compared to enterprise Wi-FI because they are controlled entirely by the infrastructure. AI automation leverages this predictability to optimize device traffic, and enforce custom SLAs with a high degree of accuracy and reliability.


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