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How Neutral Host Bridges The Gap Between Private and Public Mobile Networks

As a private network operator, you’ll have the ability to act as a neutral host, which can have some surprising benefits for device connectivity.

As a private network operator, you’ll have the ability to act as a neutral host, which can have some surprising benefits for device connectivity.

Check out Episode 4 of Office Hours to get answers to questions like: 

  • What is a neutral host, and how does it work?
  • How do neutral hosts cut down on infrastructure cost?
  • Is running a neutral host secure?
  • Can regular mobile phones connect to a neutral host?

Key Takeaways

  • Neutral hosts allow public LTE subscribers to connect and strengthen their signal from a private network cell. This is similar to how certain cellular networks are available in other countries.
  • Neutral hosts allow customers and staff to increase their network coverage in areas where commercial towers might be limited.
  • A single cell in a private LTE environment can serve guest devices and internal communications without the need for complex configuration.
  • The neutral host puts public devices on a separate band of the network, meaning enterprise devices are always segmented and secure.


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