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Who is Celona?

Team members and problems they are aiming to solve.

Celona was born with the idea that a combination of 5G radio technology, edge computing and machine learning software will fundamentally change how organizations work and do business. Our journey has started on April 2019.

During its four generations of innovation, as a connectivity solution, cellular radio technology has been delivered via telecom operators. That model has recently seen a change with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in United States opening doors to enterprise trials of the Citizens Radio Broadband Service (CBRS) frequency band - between 3550 to 3700 MHz. As a result of this development, enterprises will be able to design and deploy their own cellular network.  

Taking advantage of this news as a catalyst, we will aim at building the first networking platform that bridges the divide between 5G and enterprise infrastructures. Our end-to-end solution architecture will be fully consumable by enterprise IT. For additional  information, here is a quick primer on cellular wireless and CBRS.

Our founding team members (group of folks who are celebrating day 1 for the company in the picture below) have been part of companies like Qualcomm, Aruba, Cisco and have built products spanning the entire stack – from chipsets to systems to cloud based software. Company is funded as a series A startup by Lightspeed, Norwest and Cervin that have a track record of supporting other networking companies like Aruba, Airespace and Mist in their early days.

Celona Day 1

We are hard at work trying to turn our vision into reality with an end-to-end solution that prioritizes practical use cases for enterprise IT networking teams. Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) spectrum band and Celona’s end to end architecture are mandatory components in that journey. But ultimately Celona technology will be used to connect new generation of apps that require time sensitive operation and the highest levels of guarantee on availability. These AI and edge compute powered apps use "life as input", rely on edge compute for real-time decision making, and use cloud to enable machine learning. They will be the heroes of Celona's story.

If you want to tag along in our journey as we take enterprise wireless to where it has not yet been, let's partner as part of our product trial program.

On-Demand Demo

See a Celona 5G LAN in action and learn the basics

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