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Rise of Robotics Automation and Private 5G LANs

Common wireless connectivity challenges for robotics automation include disconnects while autonomous mobile robots (AMR) roam between indoor wireless access points, lack of coverage in very large outdoor areas for automated guided vehicles (AGVs), and inconsistent latency in network communications. All of these challenges can be tackled with private 5G LANs, at a fraction of the cost compared to these traditional connectivity options.

In this webinar, we will discuss how leaders in the supply chain industry can craft their own private cellular strategy given their existing infrastructure, unique environments, and desired business outcomes for robotics automation.

Watch Shane Grant, Senior Scientist and Robot Management System Lead at inVia Robotics, and Celona's Ozer Dondurmacioglu explore a few key questions on the topic:

  • What are the business results supply chain leaders are ultimately after when it comes to robotics automation?
  • What are the wireless connectivity options for robotics – and what are the performance requirements?
  • How can private cellular wireless within warehouses, outdoor yards, and factories benefit robotics automation?
  • What are the onboarding/client device options for robotics infrastructure to connect to private cellular?
  • How can enterprises in the supply chain plan for the overall cost of ownership and return on investment?